June 15, 2024

The Tosoo'iisas Family (1 дек 1619 г. – 1 март 1677 г.)


The Tosoo'iisas family wasa a powerful and influencial merchant family in Southern Javicia. They ruled the southern trade routes and helped trade Yokug slaves into Yueroki and into the Javician colonies. However, they were involved in multiple illegal activites, especially in the late 1600s and these activities led to the assassination of Head of the family Iisiiv Tosoo'iisas in 1672. What followed after the assassination was a large rebellion by the Javician merchant class against the nobles and Javician gov't. However to the dismay of the once great Tosoo'iisas family, the remaining members after the rebellion were mainly executed but the two of the granddaughters of Iisiiv were banished to the Krilkotian colony of Soleia. There the daughters formed the Torsos Tobacco Plantation, where the family can still be found today (except with the surname of Torsos).

Добавлено на ленту времени:


1 дек 1619 г.
1 март 1677 г.
~ 57 years