June 15, 2024

"BunnyFarm" (15 окт 1982 г. – 17 окт 1982 г.)


bsi installs a beta build of the bunnyfarm arcade machine in the entfernt hotel where jenny and sophie are now living.

the game follows the plot of bon, banny, sha, boozoo, and billy, all preparing for the annual fruit festival. when they realize they have no fruit for the festival, pete the hippo offers to let them have as much fruit as they want out of his barn as long as they help him with some errands.

jenny finds it interesting and thinks sophie may like it. when sophie asks about bsi and why the name sounds familiar, jenny remarks that the company has been in the news due to the very recent disappearance of one of their new hires in st. juana's forest. she then talks about ashley's death and how it became an urban legend. jenny notes that the game is hilariously unfinished and has some unsettling bugs. she then excuses herself because she has a paper to write and lets sophie play by herself. sophie enters billy's level and plays until the screen begins to display images of ashley and her corpse over billy's face, and then crashes.

the next day, sophie tells jenny that she stopped playing because the game crashed. jenny offers to stay up and play it with her, but sophie declines. jenny goes to bed. when sophie tries to load her saved game, the game displays an error message that says the file has been tampered with and may damage the machine if she continues.

the rest of the game reveals to sophie everyone who has died so far as a result of the actions of bsi, including susan and charles. it also shows her limited segments of linda's journal, which reveals that she was in an unhealthy relationship with felix. when she sees rosemary's face during sha's level, she realizes how much of her life she's forgotten because of her medication. the game then shows her a recreation of the day her siblings died, including a dash cam video of the car crash.

the next day, sophie tells jenny what happened during the game. jenny promises to help her try and remember her past; some time after, jenny sits sophie down and begins asking her questions. sophie starts to remember more details about her mother, rosemary, and her father whose name she can't remember

Добавлено на ленту времени:

30 дн назад


15 окт 1982 г.
17 окт 1982 г.
~ 2 days
