June 15, 2024

Pope Sixtus V (24 апр 1585 г. – 27 авг 1590 г.)


The work was to be overseen by special committees, but Pope Sixtus V, impatient to see it completed and evidently a little overconfident regarding his own abilities, decided to finish the job himself. Printing of his revised edition had just begun when the pope died in 1590. The cardinals immediately repudiated what they considered to be a work full of errors, and they recalled it.

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Another tourist attraction, at least in early 1993, was the exhibition “Sixtus V and Rome.” As pope from 1585 to 1590, Sixtus left such a lasting imprint on the face of Rome that he has been called “the father of modern town planning.” Explaining why he remodeled Rome, The European wrote: “First, to provide a solid architectural base for the affirmation of Vatican power against the Protestant threat. . . . Second, to make the city of Rome, in many ways still a provincial market town, the worthy seat of the New Jerusalem.”

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9 янв 2022


24 апр 1585 г.
27 авг 1590 г.
~ 5 years and 4 months