June 15, 2024

Chōsokabe clan (長宗我部氏) (1 янв 1180 г. – 1 июн 1615 г.)


The clan claims descent from Qin Shi Huang (d. 210 BC), the first emperor of a unified China.
The clan is associated with Tosa Province in modern-day Kōchi Prefecture on the island of Shikoku. Chōsokabe Motochika, who unified Shikoku, was the twenty-first daimyō (or head) of the clan.

In their early history of the Sengoku period, Chōsokabe Kunichika's father Kanetsugu, was killed by the Motoyama clan in 1508. Therefore, Kunichika was raised by the aristocrat Ichijō Husaie of the Ichijō clan in Tosa Province. Later, towards the end of his life, Kunichika took revenge on the Motoyama clan and destroyed them with the help of the Ichijō in 1560. Kunichika would go on to have children, including his heir and the future Daimyo of the Chōsokabe, Motochika, who would go on to unify Shikoku.

Under Hideyoshi, Motochika and his son Chōsokabe Nobuchika participated in the invasion of neighboring Kyūshū, in which Nobuchika died. In 1590, Motochika led a naval fleet in the Siege of Odawara, and also fought in the Japanese invasions of Korea along with Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1592.

After Motochika died in 1599 at age 61, the next clan leader was his son Chōsokabe Morichika. He led the clan forces in support of the Toyotomi at the Battle of Sekigahara. After 1600, the Chōsokabe were removed as daimyo of Tosa. After the Siege of Osaka in 1615, Morichika was executed and the clan was ended as a political and military force.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


1 янв 1180 г.
1 июн 1615 г.
~ 435 years
