June 15, 2024

Tsardom of Russia (Русское царство) (16 янв 1547 г. – 22 окт 1721 г.)


The Tsardom of Russia or Tsardom of Rus' (Russian: Русское царство, Russkoye tsarstvo; later changed to: Российское царство, Rossiyskoye tsarstvo), also called the Tsardom of Muscovy, was the centralized Russian state from the assumption of the title of Tsar by Ivan IV in 1547 until the foundation of the Russian Empire by Peter I in 1721.

From 1551 to 1700, Russia grew by 35,000 km2 per year.[10] The period includes the upheavals of the transition from the Rurik to the Romanov dynasties, many wars with the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, Sweden and the Ottoman Empire, as well as the Russian conquest of Siberia, leading up to the ground-changing reign of Peter the Great, who took power in 1689 and transformed the Tsardom into a major European power. During the Great Northern War, he implemented substantial reforms and proclaimed the Russian Empire (Российская империя, Rossiyskaya imperiya) after victory over Sweden in 1721.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


16 янв 1547 г.
22 окт 1721 г.
~ 174 years
