// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Cuban Missile Crisis (16 окт 1962 г. – 28 окт 1962 г.) (Лента времени)
April 1, 2024

Cuban Missile Crisis (16 окт 1962 г. – 28 окт 1962 г.)


The Cuban Missile Crisis was the closest humanity got to all-out nuclear war.

To set the scene, the US had many ballistic missiles stationed in Turkey which were in range of the USSR, and the US had just failed the Bay of Pigs Invasion. The US absolutely humiliated itself in the face of the world and many countries were disappointed. As a result of the invasion, Cuba saw that the US would not hesitate to launch military insurgencies against them so Castro asked his friend Khruschev to lend them some missiles. Khruschev happily agreed because it meant that the USSR finally had missiles in range and close proximity to the US like the US had with Turkey. Khruschev justified it as defense and pointed out that the US had missiles as well.

With brewing tensions amongst Kennedy's America, Castro's Cuba, and Khruschev's USSR, the world held its breath waiting to see who'd launch the first missile. In the end, no one did because the Kennedy cabinet and the Khruschev cabinet were able to secretly take their missiles out of their respective zones and end the crisis.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


16 окт 1962 г.
28 окт 1962 г.
~ 12 days