June 15, 2024

Geneva Accords (Vietnam) (26 апр 1954 г. – 20 июл 1954 г.)


To resolve issues with Korea and Vietnam, the US, the UK, France, Vietnam, the USSR, and the PROC decided to get together and decide what to do. In terms of Korea, no agreement was reached. In terms of Vietnam, the French had finally lost to Vietnamese forces (Dien Bien Phu falls) so they decided to split Vietnam into a communist north and a western south, much like Berlin. the western forces saw this as the only way to stop the Domino Effect in Vietnam and the rest of Indochina. This came to be known as the end of the first Indochina War. Despite this accord, however, there would be much more fighting in Vietnam and South Vietnam would eventually fall to Minh's Northern army amidst hate for the installed leader in the south..

Добавлено на ленту времени:


26 апр 1954 г.
20 июл 1954 г.
~ 2 months and 25 days