June 15, 2024

The beginning and spread of Feudalism across Europe (1 янв 900 г. – 1 янв 0 г.)


Feudalism is considered one of the most important social structures in medieval times. It separated a society according to a hierarchy (social structure) that was based on religion, law and social customs. It provided a system of privilege's and obligations for every person in a society. Relationships in the hierarchy were between those higher up on it (lords) and those lower down (vassals). The levels on the hierarchy are -
□ The king
® The most important member of a society, being lord of all people and owning most of the land in the kingdom.
® Believed to rule with authority of God.
® Granted section of land (known as fiefs) to wealthy and important people in a society (like nobles and church officials).
□ Nobles
® Nobles were vassals to the king, providing him with their loyalty and military support (such as providing men to fight for the king).
® Nobles could grant smaller sections of their fiefs to knights.
□ Church officials
® Much of the same rights and obligations as a noble (see above).
□ Knights
® Knights, in return for the land provided to them by the nobles or church officials, would offer there protection.
® Knights then would allow peasants (also known as serfs) to live on their land in return for payment.
□ Peasants
® The lowest in the hierarchy with very few rights.
® Peasants had to pay rent for the land, often by working and farming on it.
® Peasants would often pay their rent in money or crops.
® Vassals to all
Provide work and food to lord

Добавлено на ленту времени:

22 апр 2021


1 янв 900 г.
1 янв 0 г.
~ 150 years