June 15, 2024

The Peace War (14 июл 1493 г. – 17 авг 1523 г.)


The Peace War was not peaceful. After the Gondolin Empire and the Lunarium Empire combined they decided to keep the two peoples separated, but under one government. The new idea is similar to the Tribal Empire's form of government. The URA will have different sectors that have a government that reports to the Empire's Government. So the URA used the islands in the Eastern Isles they got from when Maoria joined the Gondolin Empire to invade the Tribal Empire. They also invaded via the mainland and the port city of Hawe at the entrance of the Eastern Gulf.
The Tribal Empire fought hard, but it started to lost power over its people. Hundreds were deserting everyday. Then the Tribal forces won a major battle at the capital city of the Tribal State, Gizati. With this the Tribal forces were given a boost of confidence. They pushed the URA forces back almost to the original border but the URA soldiers are able to hold their ground and pushed back against the advancing Tribal forces. The URA forces that had attacked using the islands had reached the Tribal Empire capital that is simply called The Capital. On August 17, 1521, the Tribal Empire fell apart and Tribal soldiers surrendered by the thousands.

Добавлено на ленту времени:

1 дек 2021


14 июл 1493 г.
17 авг 1523 г.
~ 30 years