June 15, 2024

Babushka finds Virginiansland (8 авг 1122 г. – 19 окт 1124 г.)


Babushka being a new power on the continent didn't know that there were major powers in Arcanó. The Kingdom of Babushka claimed lands that they don't know belonged to Virginiansland. When the kingdom sent people to "settle" the land, the "settlers" found farms, towns, and villages. The people of the towns and villages tried to communicate with the Babushkans but didn't understand their language. But within a year a man of both Virginiansland and Babushka learned to translate the other sides language. The Babushkan king said that some of Babushka's land is being occupied by Virginianslandians that are not meant to be there. The Virginiansland government says that is preposterous and sent an armed militia to push back the "settlers".

Добавлено на ленту времени:

1 дек 2021


8 авг 1122 г.
19 окт 1124 г.
~ 2 years and 2 months