July 1, 2024

Queue Recession (22 дек 2020 г. – 15 янв 2021 г.)


The Queue Recession is a period of time where enchanted book values decreased and many books lost their value. The demand for PvP enchanted books diminished after two classes in fight club were established, the fightfags with max gear and the fightfags with no gear. Since there were fewer fightfags going from the poor class to the max class due to the massive wealth difference between the two classes, fewer people wanted PvP enchanted books decreasing the overall demand for PvP enchanted books in the market. The progression system was also being incentivized towards getting a plot after an elytra, so books used for iron armor were used less decreasing the demand for enchanted books used on iron armor. Also with the ability to store more items with plots, more enchanted books were now in the market increasing supply. With the increasing supply and the decreasing demand, prices tanked, and the Queue Recession began. The Queue Recession ended with the creation of the SalC1 video bringing new players to the server that created a new demand for enchanted books, allowing more books to be sold again. However, due to the massive supply of enchanted books from plot storages and more people storing enchanted books, the prices only stabilized and did not return to the prices during the beginning of Gen 3.

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22 дек 2020 г.
15 янв 2021 г.
~ 23 days