June 15, 2024

Chinese Civil War (7 ч 9 мин, 12 апр 1927 г. – 1 ч 48 мин, 1 май 1950 г.)


After the death of Sun Yat-Sen, the alliance between the Communists and Kuomintang fell into disarray. The new KMT leader, Chiang Kai-Shek, hated the Communists. During the Northern Expedition, he started a purge of the Communist Party, forcing them to retreat into the Chinese countryside. However, despite suffering massive losses, the Communists survived the KMT onslaught, establishing a significant presence in rural China. By appealing the peasants, the Communists acquired newfound popular support from the people. Soon they were able to start an insurgency, slowly wearing down the KMT government army. Japan’s invasion of China forced the two enemies to form a temporary truce, but the Communists used the Japanese to weaken the KMT forces. After the Japanese surrender, the Soviets gave Manchuria to the Chinese Red Army, now led by Mao Zedong, paramount leader of the CCP. Public discontent over KMT ineptitude and corruption allowed the Communists to acquire significant gains, eroding the Nationalist government’s authority and eventually forcing them to retreat to Taiwan. The communist victory in the Chinese Civil War established the People’s Republic of China, which would bring forth massive changes to Chinese society through their reforms. Although the Communists would bring severe hardship and oppression with the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution, they, under Deng Xiaoping, turned China into one of the foremost economic and military superpowers.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


7 ч 9 мин, 12 апр 1927 г.
1 ч 48 мин, 1 май 1950 г.
~ 23 years
