June 15, 2024

[28] Alvak Term (10 янв 1923 г. – 10 янв 1928 г.)


28th Tsĩvgalè
The Tsĩvgalèploi term of Mauvi T. Alvak, an Oipientian born ethnic Aulle. (Alvak was born and raised in Jekothi but his parents were born in Otwesal and Sadon.)

Originally born Mauvye Toresvye Alvakye but changed his name when he was 20 in order to seem more Oipientian to people. He studied politics at the University of Oipienta-Nèvašivi beginning in 1906 and finished school in 1910. Then he studied economics at University of Oipienta-Diboríbovè until 1912, earning his Post-Grad Degree. He was elected to the House of the People in 1914 and then was elected to the Senate of the Republic in 1918 as a senator of Vulxeš.

Before being elected Tsĩvgalè, Mauvi was a Vulxeš Senator since his election in 1918. He became well known during the 11th National National Convention where he prompted the discussion about the annexation of Lower Oipienta. He led said discussion and also snuck in new economic policies about shifting the war economy back to civil industry. This made him popular among the older politicans who also wanted a speedy annexation and popular among the younger politicans who wanted economic change.

He ran for reelection but failed due to his loss of the Yewṡidañ Colony. Alvak's contribution to history was the annexation of Lower Oipienta which had been desired by Oipientians since the fall of Javicia. Although his economic policies helped keep Oipienta afloat after the 4th Hells War, some still were angry at the large war economy which still occupied most of the industrial sectors of the economy.

Ethnicity: Aullest (born in Jekothi on September 28, 1888; ALIVE)
Oipientian Conservative

Добавлено на ленту времени:


10 янв 1923 г.
10 янв 1928 г.
~ 5 years