June 15, 2024

National Cancer Act of 1971 (23 дек 1970 г. – 5 фев 1976 г.)


The National Cancer Institute was established in its current form by the National Cancer Act of 1971,with the help of Mary Lasker and Ann Landers, it was signed into law by President Richard Nixon. These changes in laws and regulations to the Public Health Service Act of 1944. represented the U.S. commitment to what President Nixon described as the “war on cancer,” which had become the nation’s second leading cause of death by 1970.

The act granted broad authority to the Director of the NCI to plan and develop a National Cancer Program that included the NCI, other research institutes, and other federal and non-federal programs. It established the procedure for submitting NCI’s annual budget, called the “bypass budget,” which is transmitted directly from the NCI director to the President and Congress.

In addition to expanding the authority of the NCI director, the act required the creation of a new National Cancer Advisory Board (NCAB), a presidentially appointed committee of 18 members, to assist NCI in developing its programs. It also established the President’s Cancer Panel (PCP), a three-member panel that submits an annual report to the President and holds periodic public hearings (Polite et al. 2017)

Добавлено на ленту времени:


23 дек 1970 г.
5 фев 1976 г.
~ 5 years
