June 15, 2024

New Government in China (1 янв 1920 г. – 31 дек 1929 г.)


Revolutions and violence spread during the early
stages of The Republic of China

In different areas of China warlords had taken over with their personal armies.

The Nationalists were established and their aim was to destroy the warlords

The Nationalists were able to win most of China back but not everyone in the party was satisfied. Mostly it was the left wings who were made up of socialists and communists. The Nationalist then responded by executing the entire Communist party, or so they thought.

Even though everything seemed to be going great for the nationalist in the end of the 1920’s, they had still failed to change two things. They didn’t change oppressive land ownership, and tax collection methods, both things that caused the downfall of the Qing Dynasty.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


1 янв 1920 г.
31 дек 1929 г.
~ 10 years