June 15, 2024

HITLER BECOMES FURHER (2 авг 1934 г. – 30 апр 1945 г.)


Hitler becoming leader of Germany (and therefore bringing the Nazi party into power) is arguably the single-handed reason WW2 happened. When Hitler became Fuhrer - German re militarization and state-sanctioned anti-Antisemitism drew extreme attention and spite from around the world , but the foreign leaders failed to stop the rise of Nazi Germany. In 1938, Hitler started his plans for world domination with the annexation of Austria, and in 1939 Germany seized all of Czechoslovakia. Hitler’s invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, was the final straw and led to war with Germany and France. In the opening years of World War II, Hitler’s Nazi group won a series of stunning victories, conquering majority of Europe. However, the war made a great turn in 1942 during Germany’s disastrous invasion of Russia (or the USSR - Soviet Union) at the time. They were greatly unsuccessful in their plan to defeat the Soviet Union. By early 1945, the British and Americans were beginning to close in on Germany from the west - and the Soviets from the east. All whilst Hitler was holed up in a bunker in Berlin, awaiting defeat. He later committed suicide, with his new wife in that same bunker. He was an extremely vital reason in WW2 continuing, Hitler killed millions and millions of Jews.

Добавлено на ленту времени:

23 фев 2020


2 авг 1934 г.
30 апр 1945 г.
~ 10 years