June 15, 2024

2 Chronicles (1 янв 1037 г. до нашей эры – 1 янв 537 г. до нашей эры)


Writer(s): Ezra
Place Written: Jerusalem (?)
Writing Completed: c. 460 B.C.E.
Time Covered: c. 1037-537 B.C.E.

Two inspired books of the Hebrew Scriptures that were apparently one volume in the original Hebrew canon. The Masoretes regarded them as on single work, and they are reckoned as one book in the counts that regard the Hebrew Scriptures as made up of 22 or 24 books, and as two books in the count that regards the total number of books as 39. The division into two books seemingly originated with the translators of the Greek Septuagint. In Hebrew manuscripts the twofold division began in the 15th century. In the Hebrew text, Div·reh' Hai·ya·mim', means "The Affairs of the Days." Jerome suggested the name khro·ni·kon', from which we get Chronicles in the English Bible. A chronicle is a record of happenings in the order in which they occured. The Greek title (in the Septuagint) is Pa·ra·lei·po·me'non, meaning "Things Passed Over (Left Untold; Omitted)," that is, from the books of Samuel and Kings. However, it is to be noted that the Chronicles are by no means a mere supplement to those books.

Writer, Time, and Period Covered
The Jewish priest Ezra is recognized, for a number of reasons, as the writer. Jewish tradition has long held to this view. It is also supported by the striking resemblance between the writing style of Chronicles and the style of the book of Ezra. There is repetition at the close of Second Chronicles and at the beginning of Ezra that is virtually word for word. Moreover, the statement of Cyrus' decree found at the end of Second Chronicles is given in full in the book of Ezra, indicating that the writer closed the book of Chronicles with the intention of writing another book (Ezra) that would deal with the decree and its execution more fully. Chronicles was completed about 460 B.C.E., namely, Nehemiah and Malachi.

Aside from the genealogical lists that run from Adam, the Chronicles cover the period from the death of King Saul to the carrying away of exiles to Babylon, with a conclusion telling of Cyrus' decree at the end of the 70-year exile.

it-1 pp. 444-447

Добавлено на ленту времени:

9 янв 2022


1 янв 1037 г. до нашей эры
1 янв 537 г. до нашей эры
~ 500 years

