June 15, 2024

Spring Autumn Fight Countries period (1 янв 770 г. до нашей эры – 1 янв 221 г. до нашей эры)


In the Spring and Autumn period, the influence of Zhou Tianzi weakened, and there were many disputes among the heroes. Duke Huan of Qi, Duke Xiang of song, Duke Wen of Jin, Duke mu of Qin and King Zhuang of Chu successively dominated, which was called "the five hegemons of Spring and Autumn". At that time, Duke Huan of Qi put forward the idea of "respecting the Zhou Dynasty, hustling the barbarians, forbidding usurpation and killing, and restraining annexation" (respecting the king hustling the barbarians), so the son of Zhou was still respected on the surface. In the Spring and Autumn period, it was named after Confucius' revised spring and Autumn Annals. This book records the history from 722 BC to 481 BC, a total of 242 years. For the convenience of post historians, it is generally called "Spring and Autumn Period" from the first year of King Ping of Zhou (770 BC) when the state was established in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, when the king of Ping moved eastward to Luoyi, to the forty-three years (477 BC) or forty-four years (476 BC) when King Jing of Zhou (477 BC) was recorded in Zuozhuan (468 BC), three schools destroyed wisdom (453 BC) or three branches of Jin (403 BC). The Spring and Autumn period was followed by the Fight Countries period.--https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%98%A5%E7%A7%8B%E6%97%B6%E6%9C%9F

In the Spring and Autumn period, the influence of the king of Zhou weakened and the princes were in dispute. Duke Huan of Qi, Duke Wen of Jin, Duke Xiang of song, Duke mu of Qin, and King Zhuang of Chu successively dominated the country. In history, they were known as the five hegemonic forces of Spring and autumn (the other said that the five hegemonic forces of Spring and autumn were Duke Huan of Qi, Duke Wen of Jin, King Zhuang of Chu, King Helu of Wu, and King Goujian of Yue). The Fight Countries period which refers to 475-221 B.C., from the late Eastern Zhou Dynasty in Chinese history to the Qin Dynasty's unification of the Central Plains, when countries fought endlessly, so it is called the "Fight Countries period" by later generations.--https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%98%A5%E7%A7%8B%E6%88%98%E5%9B%BD/53913?fromtitle=%E6%98%A5%E7%A7%8B%E6%88%98%E5%9B%BD%E6%97%B6%E6%9C%9F&fromid=8896721

Добавлено на ленту времени:

19 дек 2019


1 янв 770 г. до нашей эры
1 янв 221 г. до нашей эры
~ 549 years