June 15, 2024

Philosophers vs Civilizations, Events, Architecture and Historical Figures

Обновлено 27 сен 2022
***Not for research*** On-going project, non-systematic and non-methodic compilation of; * 125 Philosophers of all time* * Notable Civilizations * Notable Settlements and Buildings * 50 Notable historical figures** * Some notable events Be careful for mistakes and approximate dates. Most dates can be averages, they are for judging the time ages/eras. Please contact for mistakes, ideas and comments. ([email protected]) References: * List of Philosophers (100 most influential philosophers of all time by Brian Duignan) ** List of 50 Figures (The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History, Michael H. Hart) * Wikipedia.org * Britannica.com * https://www.oldest.org/ Next: * Add Philosophy eras * Edit and check * Tier system for less crowded view * Seperation for historical facts to rest * Add more notable civilizations. (better related with philosophers and buildings * Put base on a system * Check and progress on tags * More systematic coloring * Grouping * Add references and resources * Make print friendly * Black Plaque, discovery of America * Check Ben Tollingon for civilizations and figures * Check Theology time line https://time.graphics/line/147763 https://philpapers.org/rec/DUITM#:~:text=Brian%20Duignan%20(ed.),-Britannica%20Educational%20Pub&text=Kuhn%20%2D%2D%20Michel%20Foucault%20%2D%2D,Peter%20(Albert%20David)%20Singer. * https://beckchris.com/history/the-55-most-important-events-in-human-history/ https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%BCnyaya_Y%C3%B6n_Veren_En_Etkin_100 https://digitaloccultlibrary.commons.gc.cuny.edu/influential-occultists-and-other-figures/ total 4,5 days work


