June 15, 2024

7 сент 1992 г. - Slug Incident


After Ron curses himself and Harry learns what Malfoy really said, he becomes uncontrollably angry. He seeks out Malfoy, who taunts him as he approaches. Harry roars that he'd begged for his continued enrollment in the school, had protected him from his head of house, had been grateful to him for saving his life. But for Malfoy to turn around and insult not only his best friend but his own mother? Harry calls him a "Horridly selfish little asshole", not slowing at all in his way to Draco, before punching him with all the strength he could muster. All of the students that gathered from Harry's yelling are all riled up. Draco fell on his arse, his nose broken and breaking as he inspects it. He seethes and tackles Harry to the ground, the two beginning to fight. Severus happens upon the scene, and disperses the students, assigning Harry a detention, on top of the one Minerva was already giving him. He demands Harry be in his classroom that evening, his other would be served the next day.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


7 сент 1992 г.
~ 31 г назад