June 15, 2024

25 дек 1992 г. - Polyjuice Potion


Harry and Ron manage to infiltrate the Slytherin Common Room, get little information out of Draco, but fail to get out before Draco notices something it amiss. He charges after them as they feel, the two splitting up so Malfoy couldn't get both of them. Malfoy chooses to follow Harry. Harry thinks Malfoy might think he could catch him, but Harry had a lifetime to build his endurance. He feels confident he can outrun him, but he suddenly hears the voice again, really close. He skids to a stop, throwing himself into an empty classroom. Malfoy charges in after him, but Harry rounds on him, pushing him against the wall and holding his mouth closed. He hisses at Malfoy to be silent, he hears something huge coming to the hall they were just in. They both hear a soft hiss and the sound of slithering. Harry creeps to the door, peeking it open again. the sight of steel blue scales passing by. Malfoy, peeking out above him, hisses to know what it was. Harry shushes him, but the massive body freezes, the sound of hissing breathing from down the hall. The Basilisk speaks, "Who is there? Show yourselves! I heard you! I SMELL you! Tainted blood-bearers, I will find you and I will kill you!" Harry suddenly realizes that it's a massive snake because it speaks like every other serpent he's spoken to always has, the same accent. Suddenly the breathing becomes louder and Harry shoves Malfoy against the wall, away from the crack in the door. they listen as the breathing comes right outside the door, jumping when it slams closed when the snake tried to nose its way in ("Infernal human tree slabs! I KNOW YOU ARE IN THERE! I CAN SMELL YOU! I CAN SMELL THE MUDBLOOD IN ONE OF YOU! Wretched human hatchlings, I will find you eventually and I will kill you!" Malfoy questions Harry on what it's saying, but harry just says "It's angry."

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25 дек 1992 г.
~ 31 г назад