June 15, 2024

25 окт 1983 г. - United States invasion of Grenada


Brutality and violence of power was happening at all levels. The US only intervened when concentrated power shifted directions away from benefiting themselves. Prime example of stifling communism.

In 1974, Grenada gained independence from the UK but remained part of the common wealth.

During 1974 elections Gairy enlisted the Mongooose gang a police force made up of his most loyal and violent supporters to aid his influence. Gairy became the first Prime Minister of Grenada serving for 5 years holding onto power from help from the Mongoose gang. The gang is responsible for the deaths of many people who spoke out and regular intimidation of opposition.

The 1979 election was branded as fraud and while Gairy was on a trip Maurice Bishop the opposition leader overthrew the government in a coup. Bishop was a communist and his government was no different from Gairy for disregarding the constitution.

Bishop established close ties with Cuba. Bernad Coard helped kill Bishop where Hudson Austin head of the military ceased power. The main difference between Bishop and Austin is Bishop still wanted to have typical connects to non-communist country's and Austin wanted to start leaning more with the Soviet Union.

In 1983, US and a few other countries invaded Grenada and faced forces from Cuba, Soviets, East Germany and Libya. The operation last four days and Austin was arrested. The operation did not have global support with traditional allies like Canada abstaining.

Добавлено на ленту времени:

1 мес назад


25 окт 1983 г.
~ 40 г назад
