April 1, 2024

14 ч 15 мин, 17 июл 2019 г. - Team Heard Meet Liz Marz, Transformational Life Coach in Venice


Today we’d like to introduce you to Liz Marz.

Liz, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
From a very young age through the exposure of music and books, I became deeply connected to the emotions of the human experience.

Three days before my 30th birthday, I lost my father after a short 8-month battle with cancer. At that time, I was in my 8th year of living in NYC, in a six-year career in the corporate beauty world, and in a six-year relationship.

Losing my father woke me up. It made me realize how short life is. I began to take inventory. Was I truly living life to the fullest? Did I have everything I wanted? Was I settling? I had many realizations at that time, I woke up to the reality of things and let go of the fantasy. There was no turning back from this awakening. I wanted to thrive, not to survive so I began making hard but necessary changes. I learned through this experience that painful experiences are opportunities for growth. I could either be a victim or choose to take control of my life. I am grateful to have had the best dad and equally grateful for what his passing gave me an opportunity to step into the power seat.

Days after my 31st birthday, I followed my intuition and moved myself to Los Angeles. Soon after I ended the relationship and left the corporate career. It was time to choose me, to be the very thing I was calling in. To stop looking outside of myself and start looking in and to step up and love myself so much that I was willing to let go of the safe, but less fulfilling path.

It takes courage to leave behind people, places, and old ways of being. It takes trust to go into the unknown and have faith that when space is created, more alignment is born.

When I was able to give myself the time and space necessary, I was able to get back to the truth of who I have always been. To allow my true essence to come through and be the very thing that I share with the world. I had to do a lot of work around what it could look like to make money, be in a successful partnership, and ultimately live my life in my own way.

I stopped hiding and began to share the wisdom that was coming through me in conversation and on social media. I began to realize that by embodying the human experience and sharing the highs and the lows, I was helping others feel less alone. This became my purpose.

The work is never done and the story never ends. Everyday being alive is an opportunity to grow even more. The journey continues…

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
Growth is not that path of least resistance. Growth is courageously going into the resistance and fear in order to expand into more peace and joy. Life is not happening TO us it is happening FOR us and the moment we recognize this is the moment we are no longer a victim to our circumstances. The moment I want to give up is the moment I get stronger. Choosing how I respond in every moment is a daily practice – through yoga, meditation, and quiet reflection, I reconnect with my power and fullness so that I can be of service to the world. As hard as it may be sometimes, I always come first. My vibration is the most important thing.

I remember calling my mom from a hotel in Marfa as I was driving all of my belongings from Austin (where I grew up) to LA. It was 3 am and I couldn’t sleep- I was tossing and turning. I said to my mom, ‘what the hell am I doing? No one picks up their life and moves to a new city at 31 years old’. She calmed me down and told me all would be okay. I will never forget that moment. Being in the unknown is scary- I didn’t know what my life would look like but I trusted my intuition and didn’t turn back. To be able to have the support of family and friends and to trust in my knowing that something big was waiting for me got me through this difficult moment.

Another struggle has been building a business that requires me to share myself vulnerability and authentically. I share my struggles and my mistakes with the world so that I can help others feel less alone. I really have to check myself when I start to worry about what others think or begin to wonder if I am sharing too much. By staying connected to my WHY I get through the fear and limiting beliefs that keep me playing small.

What should we know? What do you guys do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
I am a transformational life coach. I help people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be.

My Mission is to SERVE and inspire others to be courageous. I promote looking within to find the answers, taking action towards goals, and becoming the most conscious creator. I help to identify reoccurring themes and patterns that prevent forward movement and create a safe container of commitment where the inner work is used as a tool to break out of old ways of being that no longer support forward movement and growth.

I have a method called The Guide to Personal Sovereignty (GPS): Sovereignty is the ability to be self-governing no matter the beliefs, judgments, and projections of one’s family, friends, and society. When we are young, we learn a certain way of being and a belief system is implemented based on our surroundings. We learn what is good, what is bad, what is acceptable and what is not. We learn what we need to do in order to be loved and we avoid at all costs doing the things that cause pain. These belief systems look different for everyone. These beliefs systems can hold us back as we grow into our authentic and free expression.

I guide people through the process of self-inquiry so they can reconnect with their truth. I teach tools and practices that help people identify their purpose and the best way to use their gifts to serve the world.

When setting the car GPS, you know that you will get to the destination without much thought, however, you do have to pay attention to the directions for efficiency. If you get distracted, you make wrong turns or miss shortcuts. In the same way, when we set a clear intention of where we want to go the universe knows where we are heading, however, we must pay attention to our inner compass and values in order to stay on the right track. When we operate out of integrity or in conflict with what we want (for example settling for less or engaging in work, friendships, and partnerships that do not align with our values) we are going farther away from our destination, so we have to pay attention. GPS brings about clarity of direction. When people feel clear, they can then make decisions that keep them aligned and on track to the life they deserve!

I work one on one with clients, have group GPS coaching courses, and host GPS workshops all over town!

What is “success” or “successful” for you?
Success is the ability to stay present with a humble and open heart no matter the circumstances life brings. One’s ability to be with what the moment, without the mind projecting into the future or ruminating in the past. Success is also being whole in and of the self. Not needing anything outside of the self to be full while still having an open heart and the ability to be vulnerable.

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14 ч 15 мин, 17 июл 2019 г.
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