June 15, 2024

8 ч 44 мин, 9 март 2024 г. - Getting Around Update


Fixed an issue where damage modifiers would not apply to structures
Fixed an issue where general markets in residential stations would not sell items
Fixed an issue where patrol fleets would not save position on system close
Fixed an issue where generators could not be disabled after coming back online
Fixed an issue where inviting players to squad/faction did not update the minimap
Fixed an issue where targeted modules would not stop when their owner went offline
Fixed an issue where grenades could damage allies in contested systems
Fixed an issue where faction targeters prevented you from damaging traitorous NPCs
Fixed an issue where agility stats in item descriptions would not convert to deg/s
Fixed an issue where faction HQ health bars would not show up
Fixed an issue where damage effects would appear glitchy during warp transitions
Fixed an issue where the galaxy map background would flicker
Fixed an issue where cargo could be picked up while inside stations
Fixed an issue where most recent kill logs displayed at the bottom of the list
Fixed an issue where camera can get stuck on the system map table
Fixed an issue where cosmetics would not refresh after faction affiliation changes
Fixed an issue where players could swap modules and turrets to/from storage in FOs
Fixed an issue where anomalies would not despawn after their purpose was fulfilled
Fixed an issue where destination routes would not always give the shortest path
Fixed an issue where setting clone location would not show in transaction history
Fixed an issue where NPCs used the wrong model of repeater turret
Fixed an issue where medium cannon turrets floated above their base
Fixed an issue where you could system warp while planet warping
Fixed an issue where turret slot tracker transparency was wrong in the ship editor
Fixed an issue where mines could not be deployed close together

Fixed an issue where certain core systems had incorrect star colors
Fixed an issue where inverting the flight Y-axis did not affect freecam rotation
Fixed an issue with DPS stat display for chaingun turrets and hardpoints
Fixed an issue with warping to squad members bypassing certain allowance checks
Fixed an issue with market order prioritization for sell orders
Fixed an annoying FPS blip that occurred when joining systems
Fixed a minor typo in the description of the Core
Fixed a minor issue with market listing error messages
Fixed some edge cases related to docking
Fixed some issues related to the edge of space
Fixed chaingun hit registration
Fixed lightburning into restricted areas
Fixed player walking and running animations
Fixed NPC walking animations
Fixed terminal hologram spinning effects on residential stations
Fixed system holo-maps in residential stations
Fixed freighter and frontier outpost loot pools
Fixed landing gear raising at inappropriate times
Fixed ship names getting harshly moderated on rejoin
Fixed factory and drone fleet icons glitching on top of each other
Fixed furniture terminals taking you to an empty player market
Fixed the hologram model on server transfer terminals
Fixed the orientation of the right symbol on the Shroud
Fixed the Phalanx icon
Changed fighter crosshairs to use a smaller circle
Changed industrial ship descriptions to show their damage debuff modifiers
Changed mines to have bigger explosion effects
Changed warp bubble tracker icons to show time remaining
Changed engine exhaust effects for nearby ships to smoothly interpolate
Changed system and galaxy maps to zoom to/from the cursor position
Changed numerous visual effects to use UnreliableRemoteEvents
Changed the ship chatter UI so it is no longer on top of the minimap
Changed the size and rate of the space dust effect
Changed hauler-miner ship rewards to be associated with the Mining Guild

Changed wild anomalies and events to adjust the farther you travel from the Core
Added warp relay networks
Added the Mining Guild and associated systems
Added numerous ambient sound effects
Added an audiovisual effect to receiving monument blessings
Added ship nav light animations
Added the ability to set up to five waypoints on the galaxy map
Added new loading indicators to server transfer loading screens
Added max distance to surface GUIs for minor performance improvements
Added NPC walking sound effects
Added ship radio chatter sound effects
Added new wreck effects when ships are destroyed
Added pirate fleets
Added real descriptions for ships and turrets with placeholder descriptions
Overhauled ship damage effects
Overhauled server transfer process to substantially decrease load times
Overhauled server transfer loading screens to be much less janky
Overhauled station space billboards
Removed unused research tab from the assets menu
Removed damage debuff from the Phalanx
Remodeled NPC freighters
Remodeled the Jovian transport ship
Remodeled monuments
Remodeled battlefields to use new wreck models
Decreased top-end interceptor speeds and agilities
Increased view distance of cargo containers in wreckage fields
Increased hitpoints of and damage dealt by VX anomaly NPCs

Improved performance of firmament rendering
Improved performance of terminal hologram spinning effects
Improved performance of system holo-maps
Improved performance of ship damage replication
Improved performance of ship turret state replication
Improved performance of clientside laser effect handling via parallelization
Improved performance of warp disruption bubble effects
Improved performance of every ship in the game via optimized auto-meshing
Improved performance of ship tracker icons (massively)
Improved performance of ship radar minimap (massively)
Improved network impact of ship models by using cached local part data
Improved reliability and predictability of game systems during periods of high stress
Implemented deferred signal behavior for performance gains and future-proofing
Implemented numerous security improvements

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1 мес назад


8 ч 44 мин, 9 март 2024 г.
~ 3 мес и 6 дн назад