June 15, 2024

17 фев 2024 г. - The Assassination of Alex


After the Siege of Mahoney, defeated NPA-Jamas forces decided to strike on of the leaders of the SS. Alex one of the Consuls of the SS, was met outside his home by unknown (NPA, and Jamas) insurgents). He remained in the safety of his home, taunting the powerless insurgents. The insurgents then fled hoping Alex would see their weakness and pursue. Alex then fell right into their trap (his mom forced him to go outside). As he prepared to use his automatic weaponry, he realized he had no bullets and began to run away. Like a gang of jackals chasing a lone sheep the insurgents chased Alex. Jake taking a shortcut through a backyard, cut off Alex and shot him 36 times in the chest. In victorious jubilation to assailants then began to tea bag his face hole.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


17 фев 2024 г.
~ 3 мес и 29 дн назад