June 15, 2024

8 фев 1584 г. - Francesco I de Medici's collection is transferred to the Uffizi Gallery


"... when, in 1584, the collection of Francesco I de Medici was transferred in to the new and more public context of the Uffizi Gallery, this was in response to the need for public legitimation of the Medici dynasty, a need which, as Guiseppe Olmi puts it, 'meant that the glorification of the prince, the celebration of his deeds and the power of his family had constantly to be exposed to the eyes of all and to be impressed on the mind of every subject' (Olmi 1985: 10).

In the main, however, collections of valued objects formed a part of the cultural accessories of power in contexts in which it was the organization and transmission of power within and between the ruling strata rather than the display of power before the populace that was the point at issue. Consequently, few collections were accessible to the popular classes; and, in some cases, those who might be admitted to view princely collections were so few that they symbolized not so much the power to amass artefacts which might be impressively displayed to others as the power to reserve valued objects for private and exclusive inspection (see Seelig 1985). "

Source: Tony Bennett. The Birth of the Museum: History, Theory, Politics (1995). Pg. 27.

*Month(s) & day(s) approximate

Добавлено на ленту времени:


8 фев 1584 г.
~ 440 г назад