June 15, 2024

13 ч 8 мин, 20 июн 1789 г. - Tennis Court Oath


The Tennis Court Oath was the oath that the third estate deputies took. It was called The Tennis Court Oath because the oath was taken in an indoor tennis court in Versailles, France called the Jeu de Paume. They met at the court to defy King Louis XVI’s order to disperse. The oath was taken by the deputies of the third estate because they wanted a new constitution. They swore to disobey King Louis XVI’s order by sticking together until a new constitution had been embraced in France. The third estate had the most representatives in the Estates-General, the National Assembly created by King Louis XVI as an attempt to help France’s economic problem. With the most representatives, the third estate proclaimed themselves the National Assembly swearing their oath to force. The Oath was sworn on June 20, 1789.

Добавлено на ленту времени:

2 окт 2017


13 ч 8 мин, 20 июн 1789 г.
~ 235 г назад