June 15, 2024

14 окт 2020 г. - Nebula Industries Diplomatic Breakdown


In the evening of October 14th, 2020, the industrial faction Nebula Industries with several of their NAPs being broken. This comes 8 days before the the political storm which divided the galaxy into 2 blocs.

On 7:36pm MST, the faction SJ-C severed their non-aggression pact with NBI over its cooperation with the Golden Accord and recent pirating of SJ-C members. The full statement is as follows:

"For the effective duration of NBI and SJ-C’s NAP, SJ-C has respected it, and to some extent NBI did as well. Recent events however, have shown that not only has NBI strayed from their supposed “anti-piracy”, but in fact attempted to frame SJ-C as the breakers of the NAP. It is open that NBI cooperates with GA, fighting with them in Gatinsir and Aerelret skirmishes. That is somewhat permissible as they are technically attacking Genesis, a “pirate coalition”. However, when their members pirate SJ-C, and attempt to cover it up, we see no reason to NAP with them anymore. They have no sense of responsibility, no self respect, and most glaringly, no honor. SJ-C hereby declares the NAP severed, and NBI is to be an allowed target." - SJ-C Command

10 minutes after this, the anti-pirate factions HYPE and TSK also severed their NAP with NBI for similar reasons. This all culminated into the Genesis alliance declaring war on NBI. This event would begin the political buildup which would split the galaxy into the Sovereign and Retribution Giga-alliance blocs.

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14 окт 2020 г.
~ 3 гг и 7 мес назад