June 15, 2024

25 апр 2020 г. - Lagfest of Gatinsir


In the afternoon of April 25, 3 days after the collapse of the United Federation, the 2 blocs clashed in Gatinsir. This battle would be the first major battle in the UF Civil War

-Golden Accord (TBB, MOPP, LS)
-Star-Jumper Corps
Around 60 members

-Genesis (VC, BH, GI, MMG, PEGA)
-Vyktranis Dominion
Around 40 members

-Golden Accord and SJ-C amass their fleets in Gatinsir, Genesis gets word and starts rallying in Citadel.
-Golden Accord/SJ-C fleet moves to Planet 4 edge of space
-Genesis Fleet Commander xRitual decides to go into gatinsir via the Stavesmo way. Fleet moves.
-Genesis arrives in Planet 4, GA/SJ-C fleet remains idle on edge of space.
-Genesis fleet charges GA fleet, splitting up into 3 squads. Pegasus flanks right, VC flanks left, and Vykdom charges middle. Both sides begin to drop warp disrupters and fire shots.
-Both sides scatter in a blob of ships. Due to the scale of the battle and a performance bug happening at the time, ping and lag skyrocketed. Shots rarely connected with their target, causing few deaths in this battle.
-Despite having 33% more people, GA/SJ-C suffered several losses and decided to retreat. This is partially due to Genesis having better luck with hit registration during the large amounts of lag.


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1 мес назад


25 апр 2020 г.
~ 4 г назад