June 15, 2024

24 авг 2001 г. - Windows XP is released


Windows XP, which stood for "eXPerience," was an operating system produced by Microsoft as part of the Windows NT operating system (OS) family. It was officially released to manufacturing on 24th August 2001.

This OS represented a significant step forward from its predecessors, combining the stability of the professional versions of Windows, like Windows NT and 2000, with the compatibility and user-friendly interface of the home versions, like Windows 95, 98, and ME.

Windows XP offered a host of improvements and new features. One of the most significant was its enhanced stability and efficiency due to its basis in the Windows NT kernel, making it far more robust than the previous consumer-oriented versions of Windows. Other features included a new, more intuitive user interface with a task-based design, improved hardware support, enhanced multimedia capabilities, improved system restore, and new technologies like Remote Desktop and network setup wizards. It also improved the security and user management tools, making it more suitable for business use.

Windows XP quickly gained popularity and became one of the most widely used operating systems, running on more than 400 million computers worldwide at its peak in the mid-2000s. Microsoft ended mainstream support in 2009, although extended support continued until 2014.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


24 авг 2001 г.
~ 22 г назад
