June 15, 2024

11 июн 2001 г. - Execution of Timothy McVeigh


Timothy McVeigh was an American domestic terrorist who perpetrated the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, considered one of the deadliest acts of domestic terrorism in U.S. history. The bombing targeted the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, causing the deaths of 168 people, including 19 children, and injuring over 500 others. The act was a retaliation against the federal government's handling of the Waco Siege (1993) and the Ruby Ridge incident (1992), events that McVeigh claimed motivated his anti-government sentiments.

McVeigh was arrested shortly after the bombing, initially on unrelated firearm charges, and later charged with the bombing. After a trial in 1997, he was convicted on 11 federal counts, including conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction, use of a weapon of mass destruction, destruction with the use of explosives, and eight counts of first-degree murder for those who died in the federal building who were federal law enforcement agents.

Despite appeals, his conviction was upheld, and McVeigh was sentenced to death. He was executed by lethal injection on 11th June 2001, at the Federal Correctional Complex in Terre Haute, Indiana. His execution was the first federal execution in the United States since 1963

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11 июн 2001 г.
~ 22 г назад