June 15, 2024

12 окт 2000 г. - Bombing of USS Cole


On 12th October 2000, terrorist group al-Qaeda conducted a suicide bombing against USS Cole, a guided missile destroyer of the United States Navy, while she was being refuelled in Yemen's Aden harbour. 17 U.S. Navy sailors were killed and 37 injured in the deadliest attack against a United States naval vessel since the USS Stark incident in 1987.

Al-Qaeda claimed responsibility. A U.S. judge held Sudan liable for the attack, while another released more than $13 million in Sudanese frozen assets to the relatives of those killed.

The United States Navy reconsidered its rules of engagement in response to this attack. On 30th October 2020, Sudan and the United States signed a bilateral claims agreement to compensate families of the sailors who died in the bombing. The agreement entered into force in February 2021.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


12 окт 2000 г.
~ 23 г назад