June 15, 2024

6 дек 1989 г. - Poll Tax


Before the Poll Tax, local government would charge taxes based on property ownership called rates. This meant only homeowners paid rates. Thatcherites thought that everyone should be paying rates-tenants and homeowners.

They thought this because Thatcherites believed this to be fairer. However it was also influenced by how homeowners were reliable Conservative voters and there were more now then ever since the 1980 Housing act. Distributing rates would appeal to these homeowners.

As a result, Michael Portillo introduced the "poll tax"- a universal local tax. The poll tax was something mentioned in the Tories 1987 manifesto with Thatcher calling it the "flagship" of her administration. The poll tax was introduced in Scotland first in 1989 and then England and Wales in 1990. However the poll tax in Scotland in 1989 was already met with criticism which only grew throughout the country:

Although the tax claimed it was fair, lower classes were paying similar amounts to higher classes.

Tenants changed addresses faster than the homeowners can tax them. This was a particular problem for local authorities with large numbers of students

Those who did not have to worry about rates now had a new burden.

The poll tax were much higher than predicted.

This criticism spawned opposition such as Anti-Poll Tax unions encouraging people not to pay the tax and even riots.

In March 1990, 200,000 people protested in Travaglia Square against the poll tax. The protest turned into a riot with fire being set, cars being flipped over and 5000 people being injured mostly protester with some police. This led to further concerns over the politicisation of the police.

The poll tax led to Michael Heseltine challenging Thatcher's policies, kickstarting the pressure for her to resign.

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6 дек 1989 г.
~ 34 г назад