June 15, 2024

1 май 914 г. - Ceprania Left Drakonia


Due to continued efforts by the native Drakonians, Ceprania was pushed out of Northern Drakonia. The Ceprans had let their lands in the peninsula dwindle beyond repair and did not focus or take care of their people there, leading to anti-Cepranian sentiment.

The legacy of the Cepranian occupation of Northern Drakonia is the impact on the culture, languages, and genetics of the Northern Drakonians. With the decades of intermixing, the cultures of the Northern Drakonian tribes received a massive cultural shift from tribal society to a more medieval one. They gained insight into continental Yuerokian trade routes and the introduction of the Aullest script, the first script used in Drakonia. The Northern Drakonians began to stand out genetically because of the intermixing and as a result, their skin and hair became noticeably lighter than their southern relatives.

Drakonia was eventually split between three ethno-linguistic groups: The northern Drakonians (lighter hair and skin, aullest scripts, Northern Yueroki influence); Southern Drakonians (darker hair and skin, Merrician script, Pentan influence); and the Western Drakonians (darker hair, slightly lighter skin than the Southerners but darker than the Northerners, no continental influence, original, native script used, tribal culture).

Добавлено на ленту времени:

17 дн назад


1 май 914 г.
~ 1110 г назад