June 15, 2024

1 июл 1867 г. - Canadian Confederation


"The British colonies of North America were consolidated into the independent nation of Canada in 1867, and the following hundred years would bring a massive population influx to secure the settlement and build the nation state."

Source: Robyn Maynard, Policing Black Lives (p. 31)

"The confederation of Canada presented the federal government with the challenge of uniting distinct and separate Aboriginal groups under one law. Therefore, despite the diversity of experiences and relationships between Aboriginal peoples and settlers across the country, including strong military and economic alliances in certain regions, Confederation established a very different relationship between these two groups by disregarding the interests and treaty rights of Aboriginal peoples and uniformly making them legally wards of the state. Systems of control that had been established in prior legislation were now newly defined under one act, the Indian Act of 1867. This act effectively treated Aboriginal people as children—a homogenizing and paternalistic relationship.

Since the first pieces of legislation were passed, Aboriginal peoples have resisted oppression and sought active participation in defining and establishing their rights. Early on, Aboriginal leaders petitioned colonial leadership, including the Prime Minister and the British monarchy, against oppressive legislation and systemic denial of their rights. The legislation against Aboriginal peoples did not stop Aboriginal practices but in most cases drove them underground, or caused Aboriginal peoples to create new ways of continuing them without facing persecution."

Source: http://indigenousfoundations.web.arts.ubc.ca/the_indian_act/

Добавлено на ленту времени:


1 июл 1867 г.
~ 157 г назад