June 15, 2024

1 янв 263 г. до нашей эры - Naos 2248 Inscription


[But then] the majesty of Chu was the perfect king of heaven, earth, hell, water, wind, primordial waters, mountains and sea, [making] all laws on the throne of his father Ra-Harakhte became just of voice. But then the majesty of Chu was in his home [...] in Memphis. His Majesty spoke to the great Ennead of the gods which was to follow him: Let's walk to [...] in the east, to my residence of Yat-Nebes (...) Thus the majesty of Chu rose Yat-Nebes solid like the sky and all her castles as akhit. He came [...] as King of the Gods in Yat-Nebes. He completed the throne of Harakhte. But then children of Apopis, the rebels who are in the "dry place" and in the desert, they came by paths of Yat-Nebes, swooping down on Egypt in the dusk [...] of Egypt. They conquered but to destroy. They ransacked every place on the water, on land, they became [abandoned]? [...] by all the inhabitants because of this. These rebels, so they came from the East Mountains on all Yat-Nebes paths. Behold the majesty of Chu placed the gods following Ra and gods following [Chu] on all hillocks are in the territory of Yat-Nebes. It was hillocks of the time of Ra, the time when the Majesty of Ra was in Yat-Nebes [...] This is the great walls of Egypt repelling rebels wnen Apopis proceeds to attack (?) Egypt. The gods of these hillocks are the bulwark of this earth, they are the four pillars of heaven, the guard (?) [...] of eternal horizon, the throne of Chu in Yat-Nebes. Those who reside in the hillocks of Yat-Nebes, they are batters of the earth [...] store. They are Souls of the East to [...] of Ra Harakhte. They are the supporters of Ra in heaven and in the other world [...] of sky. They are the masters of the eastern mountain, defending Ra against Apopis, knowing all [...] in the territory of Yat- Nebes, with the gods who live in Yat-Desui in Yat-Nebesn it is the lake [...] east to Yat-Nebes, who left his Majesty of Ra, to fight against Apopis' fellow [...] in Yat-Nebes, east of Yat-Nebes, it is the lake [...] in Yat-Nebes (...) with Chu? taking for him the whole earth. No one was resisting his presence. No other god was in the mouth of his troops [...] furious face with imperious look. He had his flag with the assistance of the wicked ones. Evil fell on this earth. There was a great revolution in the residence. Rebels carried disorder to the residents of the house of Chu. Hear that Geb saw his mother who loved him very much. His heart (Geb's) was negligent after her. Earth [...] for his in great affliction. The Majesty of Chu flew to heaven with her companions. Tefnut remained in the place of her coronation in Memphis. She went to the royal house of Chu to noon. The great Ennead of gods stood on the world (?) of eternity that is the path of her father Harakhte. So the majesty of [...] Here he finds him in this place called Pi-Kharoti [p-ḫ3-3-r-t-ÿ] and here he took him by force. It was a great revolution in he residence. It was Chu rising to heaven. There was no way out of the palace for a period of 9 days, and during these 9 days of revolution it was a storm as neither men nor gods saw the face of their neighbour. The Majesty of Geb appeared crowned on the throne of his father Chu, and all the inhabitants of the residence kissed the ground before him. After 75 days Geb went into the Delta and Chu flew to heaven, above the ground, in front of his eldest son through the mountains [of the East]. He did not go to On [Heliopolis] with as companions of thieves of scepter, called the "hidden ones", who lived on what the gods abominate (...) When the Majesty of Ra-Harakhte fighting with the enemies in this water of Yat-Desui — rebels showed no courage against His Majesty — His Majesty made contact with Yat-Desui, he took the form ofa crocodile (...) As His Majesty was at home in Ity-Tawi in the land of henu plants. His Majesty had sent an expedition to bring her foreigners and Asiatics (‘3mw) from their lands. Then the Majesty of Geb says to the great Ennead of the gods who were behind her: What did my father Chu from the beginning of his reign on the throne of his father Atum? The Ennead said to the Majesty of Geb. Since your father Chu was on the throne of his father Atum, he defeated all the rebels of his father Atum by killing children of Apopis and he made all the enemies of his father Ra see reason and after the air has got cooler, the lands were dried, the gods and humans were formed the following of Atum lord of southern On [Heliopolis], he irrigated cities, founding nomes, and pitched the walls of Egypt, building temples in the land of the South and North.



The first inscription was found in El-Arish299, and as noted by Griffith300, this long text refers to the ancient sanctuary of Pi-Soped (which was the capital of the 20th nome during the Ptolemaic period) and described in mythological terms the successive reigns of the gods Ra, Tefnut, Geb and Chou (description influenced by Greek conception of the four elements, Fire being associated with Ra, Tefnut with Water, Geb with the Earth and Chou with the Air). Despite this theological aspect301, Goyon302, the author of a complete translation of this text, has rightly noted: The story of the attack is based on the memories of invasions from the east and, in particular, the Hyksos invasion. The inhabitants of pi-Soped (pr- Spdw) were aware of being the bulwark of Egypt, or the other major city of the 20th nome was Gesem303 (gsm is vocalized gosem in Coptic and gošen in Hebrew) which appears in the "Land of Gesem" of the Septuagint. The word gasmou, from which gesem is derived has the
meaning "storm" in Egyptian304 (the word gšm has the same meaning in Ugaritic and Hebrew). The terms "land of Goshen", "land of Rameses" and "Field of Tanis" mean essentially the same region (Gn 45:10; 47:11, Ps 78:12,43), or the land of the "Storm" belonging to the" Son of the Sun (Pharaoh)" in the "marshlands of Tanis305."

Several clues make it possible to locate the time of the disaster during the reigns of Kamose or Seqenenre. Indeed, Ity-Tawi309 was the residence of Pharaohs of the 12th dynasty (the capital of the 18th dynasty was in Thebes) and building activity at Karnak [the On or southern Heliopolis], described at the end, only picked up again from Ahmose310, the first Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty. The Pharaoh of the story is designated by the term "Majesty of Ra (or Chu)" and his opponent is portrayed as the dragon Apopis. Coincidence: the name Seqenenre means "He who Ra made brave" and the name of the king Apopi (written i-p-p) is close to that of the evil god Apopis (written ‘-p-p) associated with Seth. Although the story is mythological, the protagonists stand well: on one side the pharaoh and the gods of Egypt, on the other rebels from the mountains of the East assimilated to foreigners and to Asiatics, portrayed as enemies, villains, companions or children of Apopis and thieves of sceptre that the gods abominate.

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1 янв 263 г. до нашей эры
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