June 15, 2024

1 янв 1525 г. до нашей эры - Karnak Stele


The King of Upper and Lower Egypt, lord of the Two Lands, Nebpehtyre, the son of Re, his beloved, Ahmose, living forever, the son of Amun-Re, his beloved (...) whose valiance is terrific, he who subdues the rebel, gives life and establishes Maat, the king of Lower Egypt for the kings in all countries, the sovereign, life-integrity-health, who tamed the Two Banks (Egypt), great in the terror he inspires, whose coronation commands the Nubian archers kneeling (...) he ruled over what surrounds sun's course, the white crown and the red crown set upon his head, the shares of Horus and Seth are under his authority, he whose pictures appeared in glory from his childhood (...) This is a king of the North that Ra made sovereign, Amun made great. May they grant the banks and the countries all at once (...) This is a King of Lower Egypt unique, a disciple of the star Sirius, the favourite of Sehat. The prestige of Thoth is by his side: may he deign to grant him know the rituals! (Thus) he will lead the scribes according to exact rules. It is a large holder of magic, who provides love of him more than any king of Lower Egypt (...) Follow this King of Lower Egypt in his campaigns, spread his empire by other people (...) honour him as for Ra, adore him as for the moon, he the king of Upper and Lower Egypt Nebpehtyre, living forever, who tames any foreign land (...) Glorify the Lady, the Queen of the banks of Hau-nebu [eastern Delta], whose reputation is high over any foreign land, who fulfils the will of the multitude, the wife of the king [Seqenenre], the sister of the Sovereign [Kamose], life-integrity-health, the daughter of the king [Senakhtenre], the august mother of the king [Ahmose], who knows the business, who unites Egypt; she gathered its worthies whom she assured cohesion and took back its fugitives, she merged its dissidents and has pacified Upper Egypt, she has pushed its rebels, wife of King, Ahhotep, living.


Moses and the Exodus Chronological, Historical and Archaeological Evidence by Gérard GERTOUX

Ahmose's statement confirms two important points: first, the war against the Hyksos (no mention) occurred before his reign. He focuses particularly on his new role as King of Lower Egypt, then, how his mother, Queen Ahhotep270, managed to bring home some Egyptian dissidents (who followed Apopi) and pushing (not crushing) some rebels (Hyksos). Family ties of Queen Ahhotep clarify two other points: 1) Kamose was the brother of Seqenenre since Ahhotep was the daughter of Seqenenre, the granddaughter of Senakhtenre and the sister of Kamose; 2) Kamose was co-regent, not king since the titles are different: king [Senakhtenre] king [Seqenenre], Sovereign [Kamose], and king [Ahmose]. In fact, the main events commented by Ahmose in his inscriptions concern his family271 (Ahmose was Seqenenre's son and Senakhtenre's grandson)272. Thus we know, for example, that his mother Ahhotep assured his regency from year 1 to 20; toward year 18, Satkamose his first wife died; he then married Ahmes Nefertari; his mother died around year 20 at the time of Amenhotep I's birth. This event marked a new era273, as the hieroglyphic sign of the moon consisting of a crescent with two points upward will definitely change (unique in Egyptian history) and would turn downward from year 20 of Ahmose. Evolution over time of Ahmose's name (or Iahmes) "begotten of Moon"

Добавлено на ленту времени:


1 янв 1525 г. до нашей эры
~ 3551 г назад