June 15, 2024

1 июл 1950 г. до нашей эры - Prophecy of Neferty


Gertoux, Gérard (2015). Moses and the Exodus Chronological, Historical and Archaeological Evidence

According to this famous prophecy, Asiatics who had just entered Egypt would cause her misfortune and would be expelled after a long time.

...a text associated with Amenemhet I makes mention of Asiatics: He (Neferty) was concerned for what would happen in the land. He thinks about the condition of the east. Asiatics (‘3mw) travel with their swords, terrorizing those who are harvesting, seizing the oxen from the plow (...) All happiness has gone away, the land is cast down in trouble because of those feeders, Asiatics (Styw) who are throughout the land. Enemies have arisen in the east, Asiatics (‘3mw) have come down to Egypt. A fortress is deprived of another beside it, the guards do not pay attention of it (...) Asiatics (‘3mw) will fall to his sword, Libyans will fall to this flame, rebels to his wrath, traitors to his might, as the serpent on his brow subdues the rebels to him. One will build the “Wall of the Ruler”, life prosperity and health, to prevent Asiatics (‘3mw) from going down into Egypt.

The Egyptian words Aamu (‘3mw) and Retenu (Rtnw) are usually translated as "Asiatics" and "Syria-Palestine", they fit well to the biblical terms "people of Canaan" and "Canaan".

Добавлено на ленту времени:


1 июл 1950 г. до нашей эры
~ 3977 г назад