June 15, 2024

19 апр 2017 г. - IBD Spring 2017 MP+


Captive breeding review: Three Ohio based case studies (RP).

Summary: This research paper considered the practice of captive breeding, it’s positives and negatives, how effective the it has been in aiding conservation efforts, and what improvements and precautions should be considered for the future. Captive breeding programs can be a useful conservation tool, but only if implemented with proper planning, research, and with the goal of reintroduction kept in mind. There are many controversies and issues that need to be resolved for any captive breeding program to succeed in producing viable populations of species for reintroduction into their native habitats. Three case studies based on Ohio captive breeding programs were described to portray the complexities of captive breeding programs, their benefits, and their challenges. These case studies included two native Ohio species, the Eastern Hellbender and Trumpeter Swan, and one non-native species, the Sumatran Rhinoceros. Out of all the projects completed so far, this one fits the theme of my MP the fullest. Animals in captive breeding programs rely on humans for everything, and the research and progeny produced directly impacts the conservation of species remaining in the wild. As a research paper, this project focused primarily on the inquiry portion of the MP, but as the case studies focused on local species, their was an aspect of local understanding to the project, as well.



Добавлено на ленту времени:


19 апр 2017 г.
~ 7 гг и 2 мес назад
