June 15, 2024

10 май 1531 г. до нашей эры - Spies Explore Canaan, From Kadesh-Barnea


According to the book o Joshua, Caleb was 85 when the Israelites received the land of Canaan as their inheritance. This was what God had promised to Moses 45 years before. The account specifies that Caleb was 40 when he explored the country from Kadesh-Barnea (Jos 14:1,7,10). This exploration is dated to the 1st month of the 2nd year after the departure from Egypt (Nb 9:1, 13:25). Counting these years however proves difficult, because Caleb was born in Egypt and was counting his years according to the old calendar which began in Tishri, e.g., September/October. Then, after having come out of Egypt, years were counted from Nisan (Ex 12:2, 23:15), e.g., March/April, and no longer from Tishri. There was therefore a 6-month discrepancy with the former system.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


10 май 1531 г. до нашей эры
~ 3558 г назад