June 15, 2024

15 сент 1998 г. - Band Candy


Buffy struggles to manage her time between her friends, Giles, and Joyce, eventually caught by Joyce and Giles in a lie about her evening. Snyder tasks Buffy with selling chocolate bars to raise money for the band. The chocolate proves extremely addictive, and causes the adults to act increasingly immaturely. Buffy and Willow find The Bronze packed with adults partying. Buffy, realizing that the chocolate is responsible, decides to visit the factory. On her way there, she finds Giles and Joyce kissing in the street. Buffy breaks into the factory, finding it empty apart from the followers of a demon called Lurconis. Giles remembers that Lurconis hides in the sewers. They arrive in time to stop the followers from completing the ritual to summon Lurconis and feed him a tribute of four babies. Buffy sets Lurconis on fire. The adults soon return to normal. Later that night, the Mayor expresses his disappointment that the demon died, saying they went far back.

Добавлено на ленту времени:

28 мар 2023


15 сент 1998 г.
~ 25 г назад