June 15, 2024

28 апр 1997 г. - Nightmares


In class, Buffy sees a boy standing outside the door, and immediately afterwards a student, Wendell, opens his book to reveal several spiders. Wendell tells Willow and Xander that he regularly has nightmares about spiders. Several other students also experience their nightmares coming true. A girl, Laura, is attacked by a demon. Buffy and Giles visit her in hospital, where they see a boy, Billy, in a coma. Buffy realizes that Billy is the boy she saw earlier. Buffy's dad, Hank Summers, who was due to spend the weekend with Buffy, tells her that she was responsible for he and Joyce splitting up. Buffy talks to Billy, and is attacked by the demon that attacked Laura. Attempting to escape, the pair end up in the graveyard, and encounter The Master, who pushes Buffy into a coffin and buries her. Buffy escapes, but has become a vampire. Giles suggests that waking Billy will end the nightmares. However, Billy refuses to wake, scared of the demon. Buffy attacks and defeats the demon, proving to Billy that it is no threat. Billy wakes, restoring reality. Later, Hank behaves normally, revealing that their previous interaction was a nightmare.

Добавлено на ленту времени:

28 мар 2023


28 апр 1997 г.
~ 27 г назад