June 15, 2024

19 дек 1998 г. - Amends


Angel spends more than a century at the hands of Acathla. The demon tortures Angel by having him relive every horrible thing he ever did. Angel is confronted by the faces of everyone he has killed, the people whose lives he has destroyed. Darla, Drusilla, Jenny Calendar, Buffy all take their turns reminding him of his sins, and teasing him to kill himself. To walk into the sun, or stake himself. Eventually, he stands up to Acathla, defending himself and his actions. That he wasn't prefect, but that he tried to make up for the thing he did and would happily accept the endless torture as payment for the things he did. Bathed in light, Acathla manifests and tries to stop him from leaving. Angel is suddenly throw, naked, onto the floor of the mansion where he was killed. He is found by Whistler, who tells him that The Powers That Be have a greater destiny in store for Angel. Angel watches Buffy from a distance, before leaving Sunnydale without saying goodbye.

Добавлено на ленту времени:

28 мар 2023


19 дек 1998 г.
~ 25 г назад