June 15, 2024

5 янв 1 г. до нашей эры - Fast


Herod the Great and Jesus Chronological, Historical and Archaeological Evidence

The Jews fasted 4 times a year21 (Zc 8:19): on Tammuz 17, Ab 9, Tishri 3 and Tebeth 10. It is noteworthy that Adar 13 was not fasted at the time because it was the Feast of Nicanor (Jewish Antiquities XII:412). This feast of Nicanor on 13 Adar was formerly known as the feast of Mordecai (2M XV:36). The Mishna (Taanit 2:10, Rosh Hashanah 1:3) also stipulates that there was no fasting at Purim in the month of Adar. The fast of the 7th month (Tishri) commemorated the murder of Gedaliah and the one of the 10th month (Tebeth) commemorated the beginning of the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar (2Ki 25:1, Ezk 24:1-2) as recalled by Josephus (Jewish Antiquities X:116). The fast of Tebeth22 10 (January 5 in 1 BCE) actually preceded by a few days the total lunar eclipse on Tebeth 14/1523 (9/10 January in 1 BCE)24.

High priest Matthias [son of Theophilus] was deposed by Herod on a day of fasting. The
fast of 10 Tebeth corresponds to January 5 in 1 BCE (January 9 in 4 BCE). The gap with
the eclipse, the day Herod burned alive Matthias [son of Margolothos], is 3 days in the first case (good agreement) but 2 months in the second (unlikely).

The coincidence of the fast of Esther on 13 Adar with the eclipse on 14 Adar is considered decisive, but this fast did not exist in Herod's days! According to the text of Esther 9:20-22, Mordecai instituted a commemorative feast on 14 and 15 Adar. Some Jews also desired to commemorate the 3 days of fasting observed by Esther after 13 Nisan (Esther 4:16), when she heard the bad news (Est 3:7,12). This fast from 14 to 16 Nisan was not a formal requirement. It is known that toward 160 BCE Jews commemorated the day of Nicanor (2M 15:36) on 13 Adar, just before the ‘feast of Mordecai’ on 14 and 15 Adar (Est 9:24-32), called later ‘feast of Purim37’. The ‘Roll of fasting’ (Megillah Taanit 18b) states that ‘the day of Nicanor’ on 13 Adar, as a festival, it was forbidden to fast on this day38. The Mishna (Taanit 2:10; Rosh hashana 1:3) states that there was no fasting at Purim in the month of Adar. After the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE, the observance of days of fasting became random. In the 12th century, Maimonides stated that the commemoration of fasting should precede the festival, which instituted the ‘Fast of Esther’ on 13 Adar, before the feast of Purim on Adar 14 and 15. Thus, the introduction of the Fast of Esther on 13 Adar (which therefore replaced the Feast of Nicanor), before the feast of Purim, appeared during the 12th century AD and could not have existed in the days of Herod.

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5 янв 1 г. до нашей эры
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