June 15, 2024

24 янв 3001 г. до нашей эры - 1st Dynasty 3000-2800 BCE


Part of the Early Dynastic Period,
3000-2800 BCE
KIng Menes (who may be the same person as Narmer, no one is sure who he is) united (assumedly) Lower and Upper Egypt. King Narmer became king, possibly the first king of Ancient Egypt. He married Niethotep and had a son named Horus Aha who later became king.
The line of kings that proceed him are as follows;
Horus Djer, who ruled for about 57 years. His mother was Khenthap and had a child (Djet) with one of his wives, but we do not know which one.
Horus Djet, very little is known about him. His wife is suggested to be Merneith, and it has been also assumed that his son was Den. It is unknown how long he ruled, but that it was for a very short amount of time.
Horus Den, came into power when he was still a child, with his mother acting as queen in his place. He reigned for approximately 20 years.
Horus Anedjib, ruled only for a few years and little is known about him. It is assumed that he is Den's son but that is just a theory. (A GAME THEORY!)
Horus Semerkhet, again, it has not been confirmed that he is Anedjib's son, but there is one source claiming that he is the son of Batirset.
Horus Qa'a, suggested to have reigned for a little more than 33 years. His relationship with his predecessors and successors is unknown, but it is assumed that Hotepsekhemwi was his son.

Добавлено на ленту времени:

13 фев 2018


24 янв 3001 г. до нашей эры
~ 5028 г назад