June 15, 2024

30 авг 2016 г. - August 2016 Initiative


We set up our pilot study of approximately 10 men after conducting multiple surveys. The 10 men were chosen by our India team based on their tobacco usage, willingness to participate, and willingness to attempt quitting, amongst other factors. The alternatives were given to Geeta (local shopkeeper’s daughter) and the men were instructed to go get the alternatives from her when they ran out. Geeta was given a questionnaire and was instructed to get the men to answer the questions anytime they came to get the alternatives from her.
We also gave school presentations to the youth about the dangers of tobacco and a presentation to some of the women of the village as well. In addition, anti-tobacco posters were displayed around the village depicting the negative effects of tobacco usage. A mural of the Hindu deity Ganesha was also painted on a wall where men tend to spit chewing tobacco.
Had planned a pledge day in the village where several families would come to hear about the effects of tobacco and pledge against using it, however it was proving difficult to gather several people in the village together. Towards the end of the trip, we were able to gather some of the older women in the village along with some adolescent girls to give our pledge day presentation. We showed an anti tobacco film, a short movie of the village leader against tobacco usage, and had a nurse from a local hospital come and speak.


Добавлено на ленту времени:

7 фев 2018


30 авг 2016 г.
~ 7 гг и 9 мес назад