June 15, 2024

21 ч 32 мин, 3 сент 1783 г. - The Treaty Of Paris


The Treaty of Paris was signed by the representatives of King George III and representatives of the United States of America in Paris. The Treaty of Paris ended the American Revolution and created a basis for the country of Canada. There were three major Americans who discussed the treaty with the United States. Those three Americans were: Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and John Jay. There was one person representing the British and King George III: David Hartley, a member of the British Parliament. The three Americans did wonderful job convincing and discussing the treaty with the British Parliament and were able to get two very important points signed and agreed off. The first point was that Britain recognized the Thirteen Colonies to be independent and free states. Britain no longer had any maintain property on the land or the Government. The second major point was that the frontier of the United States allowed for expansion into the West. Later on, this would prove important as the United States continued to grow West all the way to the Pacific Ocean.

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21 ч 32 мин, 3 сент 1783 г.
~ 240 г назад