June 15, 2024

7 ч 20 мин, 1 дек 1950 г. - UNKRA: Help to Korea


After the destruction North Korea brought to South Korea (UNKRA), the General Assembly created the UN Korean Reconstruction Agency. It purpose is to help the South Korean government with its restoration of the country. Its efforts were mainly on improving the nation's economy and setting them back to success in the long term.

Part of this project is:
To replace dwellings destroyed during the fightings, to care for refugees and to meet the normal increase in population. Million new housing units are required in South Korea, where people are live in. An example of this is the emergency shacks such as those shown in the photograph.

To meet the pressing need for housing, the Republic of Korea Government in conjunction with the UNKRA, has drawn up a long-range housing program which provides for construction of permanent dwellings built with landcrete earth blocks, a revolutionary method introduced by UNKRA to reduce the consumption of cement and lumber.

The project ended on 1958

(image date: 1954 01 01)

Добавлено на ленту времени:


7 ч 20 мин, 1 дек 1950 г.
~ 73 г назад
