June 15, 2024

4 июн 1784 г. - The 3rd Convention of the Nation


Held in Kueplios. The 3rd Convention of the Nation established multiple government agencies such as the Central Agency of Intelligence (CAI), the Domestic Energy and Commerce Agency (DECA), and the Trade and Labor Union Agency (TLUA).

The 3rd Convention of the Nation also established the National Language Committee (NLC; Níparota Sentaníj Õnja (NSÕ)). The NLC was created to help regulate the script and grammar of the Oipientian language to help boost literacy.

The NLC, at first, was slow but by the mid 1790s, they released a regulated Oipientian script that was called Republican Script. The Republican script was slow in being adopted by all Oipientians but by the mid 1850s, it was fully used by all of Oipienta. Tothek used the NLC to develop a more simplified version of the Republican Script based off of his handwriting. Then after the fall of Tothek, a return to the Republican script was occurring by the NLC.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


4 июн 1784 г.
~ 240 г назад