June 15, 2024

6 апр 2015 г. - BALLET CLASS Amber Heard Savannah Pre-Recorded? LONDON


The photographer was Savannah McMillan. Photographs and a video were posted to Savannah's Instagram as Amber Heard was not using social media at this time however she did repost at a later date.

The post is titled Danish Girl BTS which suggests this footage was filmed earlier.

Why would Amber Heard still be in ballet rehearsal when all her dance scenes were filmed in February and the production had wrapped by 6 April 2015?

Many look to these photographs and video to discredit the Australian Incident of 8 March 2015 when Johnny’ Depp's finger was severely injured and yet, while we would like to agree, THE JDC advises caution: it is most likely these photos and video were made in February 2015, and simply posted at this time.

Alternatively, and hopefully, maybe this was an attempt to improve her performance or influence public opinion in order to have her already cut dance scenes reinstated or reshot. We know much of her performance was removed from the final film edit (in fact some scenes are 'choppy' as a result) and she could already have been made aware that her 'ballet' was not up to scratch and would be cut. As Mrs Depp she no doubt figured she could influence the matter.

The veracity of the photographs and video could be checked or confirmed by studio bookings at the Dance Works dance school in London, asking the photographer/videographer Savannah McMillan or is perhaps contained in the metadata.

Добавлено на ленту времени:

18 мин назад


6 апр 2015 г.
~ 9 гг и 2 мес назад
